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Re: Unix

Ray Bay wrote:
> I've decided to use Unix on my new laptop...

Excellent choice ;)

> but have never used it on a laptop or for personal use.
> Can someone recommend a unix-compatible word processor, communications
> software, spreadsheet, and database for me to start off with.

   I run Linux on my desktop and my Thinkpad 755, and highly recommend
it as the PC-UNIX 
platform of choice.  As far as word processors, Corel has released
WordPerfect for UNIX, 
you can get a free trial version (the full product will cost you)...I'd
recommend you check out StarOffice - an office suite (very similar in
and feel to M$ Orifice) for Linux which is (last I checked) free for the
personal use -  
it's available from http://www.stardivision.com 
   As you probably know, there's a lot of comm software available, I'd
need some more 
info on what you're looking to do before (ppp, null modem direct, etc)
making a 
recommendation, but offhand I've used minicom, dip, slirp, chat, and
pppd for various 
connection tasks - some combination of those may be just what you're
looking for.
   Likewise, there are a number of free databases for Linux, I can't say
I've had any
significant experience with any of them (unfortunately I've been stuck
with Access in
the past :) )

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