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FW: game port

> > Ok, don't tell *anybody* I asked this, but is there any way to attach a
> > ...er...joystick to a tp750 for the purpose of .... playing games.
> Sure, there are several versions of laptop gameports available.  Some 
> to the serial port, others connect through the parallel port.  Your local
> computer retailer should have them.  If not, grab a copy of the latest
> Computer

I have the "Notebook GamePort" from Colorado Spectrum which works fine with 
IndyCar Racing, Flight Simulator 4. etc. and plugs into the serial port. The
trouble with it is that it realies on software support in the game, so you 
to check support for every title.

I have since seen PCMCIA joystick cards cheaper than I paid for the GamePort 
of course they have the advantage of being 100 percent compatable (I assume)
because they just look like a normal joystick card to any game.

Regards, Gwyn.     dgj@mfltd.co.uk