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Re: frustrations with thinkpad 701

You've had several responses to this so far, but one I haven't seen...have you 
checked the BIOS revision level?  If you have not applied any BIOS upgrades to 
the machine, then the 701 will not have the Plug and Play support.  Use Fn-F1 
to get into the system information utility, then page down three times to get 
to the right screen.  The latest revision level is BUTUS3O (that's oh, not 
zero).  If you do not have access to the BIOS upgrade, you can get it from the 
IBM PC web page.  When we first migrated to 95 we had all kinds of hinky 
hardware problems until we got the BIOS upgraded.  Hope this helps...

Paul Ferguson

	jhummel @ cy4.ICS.UCI.EDU (Joe Hummel) 
03/16/96 07:30 PM
To: thinkpad @ cs.utk.edu @ SMTP
cc:  (bcc: Paul Ferguson/Tessera)
Subject: frustrations with thinkpad 701

Hi all, perhaps someone can offer some assistance.  I just installed
win95 (onto a clean hard disk) on a tp 701, and have the following

  1.) floopy doesn't work when multiport II is plugged in; works fine
      when standalone.  I've tried various interrupt settings and 
      so forth.  Any ideas?

  2.) when I try to use the modem (when running hyperterminal), I select
      the internal 701 modem, but then when I say dial it asks me to 
      "insert the modem".  ????

  3.) Am I correct in assuming that the serial port and modem port
      cannot both share interupt 4?  Or can they, as lone as one
      is serial_1 and the other is serial_3 -- and I don't try to use
      them at the same time?

  4.) Is the floppy hot-swappable/hot-pluggable?

Thanks!  I love the machine, but this sure is frustrating...

  - joe hummel