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Re: Thinkpad service: a counter example

I usually despise "me, too" responses, but I have to relate my latest
experience with EasyServ.  Sure, it took 20-30 minutes to get through to the
right person, run through a couple of troubleshooting steps I wasn't aware of 
(who put that reset button on the back of my 755CEs?!) and have them give me 
an RMA. But after I got it and got the box packed, it was picked up the next
day (Friday) AND RETURNED ON MONDAY!!!  I thought 2-4 days meant 2-4 _working_
days.  When our receptionist told me the ThinkPad was back, I thought she was
pulling my leg!

Just my 2 bytes.

\          Dennis J. Gormley                           Tel:  (215) 222-1532
\\         Operations Manager                          Fax:  (215) 222-0416
\\\\       Health Sciences Libraries Consortium        Int:  gormley@hslc.org
\\\\\\     3600 Market Street, Suite 550                          
H S L C    Philadelphia, PA   19104-2646