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Re: MultiPort II or other ports for the Thinkpad 701

That happened to me. I called up IBM and requested a parts exchange since 
it is still under warranty. They just sent me a new one and requested 
that I send back the broken one. 

 _______________________   ________.--'-`--._____  
|____==================_)  \_'===================` slee@netcom.com
       _,--___.-|__|-.______|=====/  `---'         
       `---------._          ~~~~~|        ------------------------
                   `-._ -  -  - ,'         ["Just remember where  ]
                       \_____,-'           [ we parked!"          ]

On Sun, 9 Jun 1996, Elvin Tan wrote:

> Hi !
>     I've got a 701C thihnkpad and it came with the multiport II.
>     The multiport II attaches on the thinkpad with a simple hook and lever
>     method. One big problem is that if the multiport was bent off the
>     thinkpad or if I'm holding on the thinkpad and the cable attached to
>     the multiport is tugged, the hook breaks off and I get a loose
>     multiport.
>     Anyone got any remedies ? (Besides super gluing back the hook, I did
>     that 4 times already!!!)
>     BTW, does the thinkpad 701c have a docking station ? Which model/part
>     is it ?
>     P/S I just received my nameplate. Cool, it took only 2 months!
> Elvin
> --
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