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TP701 modem keeps droppping line

hi there,

until now i thought that i just had a bad telephone line,
but now it's getting pretty bad. my built-in modem drops
the line usually after about 7-9 minutes on-line...
in the beginning it was better during the night, but now 
even that isn't so.

i'm using the tp701's built-in modem under win95 (with 16MB
if it's of any importance), using the standard values, so
it says 19.2 connect rate (which seems to be true, since 
i got ftp-transfers faster than 14.4, if my calculations 
were correct) when using ppp to the university. is that
over spec, by the way?

is there anything i can to to get more reliable connects,
say maybe reducing the speed to 14.4, or do i have to ship
the 'pad to ibm - i really want to avoid that, i'm addicted
to it :)
on the other hand, i don't want to leave it "broken". here
(in the states), i can just re-establish the connection, but
when i go back to germany, every new connection will cost
real money...

axel hartmann

.                 Axel Hartmann                                       .
. Paper         : 619 South East Street; Amherst, MA 01002; USA       .
. Voice         : [USA] (413) 253-1404                                .
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