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Re: source for hard drives

	I've got a PC Card Hard drive in my 701C.  Here are my comments:
	1)  If you stay with Windows and Warp, you'll need to download a
small program with drivers that'll configure the drive.  It's
something like pcmata200.exe, I think.  It works fine with Windows
3.11, and is unneeded for 95, which I'm using now.  Caveat:  When I
upgraded to Windows 95, it wouldn't recognize the data on the drive.
I let it format the drive as something it could read; I've since
learned that if I'd used the app from IBM in DOS mode and loaded the
old drivers, I could've moved the data onto my hard drive and *then*
let Windows re-format the drive.
	2)  There doesn't seem to be any power management for pc card
drives.  While the drive eventually spins down, there is a constant
low-pitched whine emitting from my speakers as long as the card is in
the slot, even if I turn it off using Windows 95's capabilities.	
	3)  They're rugged, or at least mine is.  I've dropped the thing
and had it sat on by guests too many times to count and never had a
problem.  And I bought mine used!  By the way, it's a Mobilemax 131MB
from Maxtor, doublespaced to 250MB, which is a lot of room considering
my 701 came with a 360.  I got it mostly because I don't like
compressing my internal drive, and if the sucker was a 340MB model,
I'd be in heaven, disk-space wise.
	I've never switched it with another system so I don't know how that
works.  Lots of laptop mags have ads for these, but they aren't cheap
new.  I'd love to from anyone who's found a good deal on these myself!
On Tue, 16 Jul 1996 10:14:07 -0700, you wrote:

  >     I'm looking for a source(s) for the low profile notepad
  >     hard drives that will fit into a Thinkpad 701.
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for information about laptops.