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Re: Win95+Win311 on 701

On Thu, 19 Sep 1996, M. Arifi Koseoglu wrote:

> Has anyone here had Win95 and Win311 co-exist on a 701 (Butterfly) ?
> If yes, how did you install the Win95 on top of the factory installed
> IBM PC-DOS 6.3 + Win311 without removing those ?

I thought Win95 let you install into a separate directory, and not
over Win3?

I sort of ran into the same problem.  I wanted to put DOS 6.2, Win95,
and linux on the same disk.  The problem is that both DOS and Win95
insist on owning the C: partition.

If you use DOS or Windows' fdisk, you can only have one primary
partition, and it becomes C:.  If you use Linux's fdisk, you can
have more than one primary partition, but they become C:, D:, etc.,
and you can only boot off C:.

If you use OS/2's boot manager, it lets you have more than one primary
partition, AND it hides (deactivates, changes the file system id byte,
call it what you will) all but one of them.  By selecting an OS from
the boot manager menu, it activates the appropriate partition and
hides the other primary partitions.  That's all I needed to keep DOS
and Win95 happy and ignorant about the other's existence.

Unfortunately, the factory installation puts everything on one huge
partition, so I had to reformat and reinstall everything anyway.
John H. Kim