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Re: More on Enhanced video/755cd

I tried this but couldn't make it work. It looks like the video-in kinda
keeps working, but the video-out stops. When I reverted to the 755CD EV 1.20
install, the output started working again. Could there be something that you
did that got missed (or that I missed)? 

Something funny is going on with my video-in in both cases (755 and 760
drivers) right now. Instead of getting external video in, I get
reproductions of the TP screen. Pretty wierd. This is while using Digital
Video Director Capture. I just got my TP back from IBM EasyServe. I hope
they didn't mess something up...but I don't know what it could have been if
they did...Direct video screen capture actually can be neat if it could be
better controlled. It looks a lot faster than ScreenCam or similar products.
Too bad it's just some system/software glitch.

Mike Redmond

PS I have an "older" 755CD with the 486 DX4 processor, not the Pentium version.
At 09:25 PM 9/21/96 -0400, you wrote:
>I tried out a hunch and downloaded the enhanced video drivers for win95
>for the 760CD to try out on my 755CD.  The video capture card on both of
>them is the V7320 so I figured they might work.  And in fact they do, and
>it gives you an additional feature, an MCI overlay driver which you can
>use from win95 media player that gives you a video in window that you can
>resize dynamically by just clicking on the corners and stretching it.  
>There is one caveat however, for some reason you must use your original
>V7320APM.EXE driver that is loaded in you config.sys, so before you
>install these drivers make a copy of v7320apm.exe under a different name
>then copy it back.  If you use the one that comes with the 760cd disk,
>then the video input window will not work after resuming from suspend
>mode if it was open when you went into suspend mode.  
>The file to get from the IBM ftp site is vetpfw95.exe.
>Perhaps if someone from IBM is reading this they could change the files on
>the ftp site so that at least the mci overlay driver is included with
>755cd dtiver diskette.
>The changes the vetpfw95.exe file will make to your config files are as
>replaces v7320apm.exe and v7320mgr.exe  
>in [boot] on drivers= adds c:\v7320\v7320pnl.dll
>in [386enh] replaces v7320.386 with new version
>in [drivers] replaces v7320cap.drv and v7320rdr.drv with .dll versions
>in [MCI] ads Overlay=v7320ovl.dll
>Remember for it to work properly (this was my experience) with
>suspend/resume you must use your old v7320apm.exe in config.sys, all the
>other files you can let it overwrite.
>Josh Hosseinof