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Re: Use of a modem on a digital (?) line...

You can consider yourself very lucky if your modem is still operational.
Plugging a modem into a digital outlet is a death wish for the device.

There are converters on the market that will help you to accomplish what
you need.


> From: Eric Trepanier <etrepani@qc.bell.ca>
> To: ThinkPad Mailing List <thinkpad@cs.utk.edu>; MWave Mailing List
> Subject: Use of a modem on a digital (?) line...
> Date: Monday, October 21, 1996 10:12 AM
> Hello everyone,
> I'm not sure I've got this right but here in our offices (Montreal), we
> have two kinds of phones / lines.  The first kind has a typical phone
> no LCD display.  I can connect my modem (Mwave) in this line and dial out
> without any problems.
> The other kind of line has a phone called "Meridian" with an LCD display
> display to show Caller ID info (name / number).  When I plug my modem in
> this line, it doesn't work.  Why doesn't it work and is there anything I
> can do about this?
> My boss who also has a ThinkPad was waiting in a garage the other day. 
> garage owner told my boss he could use his office to work while his car
> being repaired.  My boss tried to use his modem to get his email, but it
> just wouldn't dial-out.  The phone in the office was the same kind of
> "Meridian" we have here.  This is a very annoying situation and my boss
> wants me to find out if there is a fix for this...
> Thanks for any pertinent info...
> Eric