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Re: PCMCIA Sleep mode in win95 suspend

	Greg, I found some very cryptic notes that I took a long time ago with IBM
tech support.  One of the combinations was Fn + F11 then Fn + Enter.  I'm
not sure yet since testing the various permutations will take some time.
What I should do is make up a cable with male and female power plugs and
stick an milliampmeter to check the draw on ac power when in suspend.  The
16 bit PCMCIA drivers, along with power.exe would cause a small chirp from
the speaker before full suspend.  I assume this was the sleep signal.  If I
removed power.exe the chirp is missing and the drain is back.  I have
looked around IBM's web site but have not found anything yet.  This just
seems like such a blatant oversight.  Microsoft claims APM 1.1 on the 701
but this doesn't sound very "Advanced" to me.  

	Regarding the battery icon and I assume you are referring to the small one
on the right side of the menu bar, mine is a blue battery with red plus and
minus signs on it.  The amount of blue becomes less as the battery
discharges.  The battery becomes a ac line plug when being powered by wall
current.  In the control panel under power, I have the "Enable power meter
on task bar" checked.  Power management set to "advanced".   Also under
system properties under system is APM support showing?  If so under
properties the only thing that I have checked is "Enable power management
support" everything else is unchecked.  If you still have problems you
might try reinstalling win95 making sure that APM is selected.

At 09:22 AM 1/16/97 -0600, you wrote:
>I have a 701 and I've been having some troubles of my own with the 
>powermanagement.  However, I seem to recall reading an IBM document 
>somewhere that explained your problem.  Evidently win95 doesn't support 
>the feature you describe so it isn't anything you've done wrong.  There 
>is some sort of key combination that will turn off the power to the PC 
>cards, that you can use prior to putting the computer into suspend 
>manually.  I'm sorry but I've read so many IBM Win95 txt files lately 
>that I don't recall exactly where I came across that info but if I come 
>across it again I'll post it.
>By the way, I can't seem to get the little battery Icon on my 701 the box 
>to enable it is grayed out and I have the latest BIOS too.  Does the 
>Icon work for you?
>On Thu, 16 Jan 1997, Bill Bryan wrote:
>> 	I have been playing around with the 32 bit Windows 95 pcmcia drivers in
>> place of my old 16 bit counter parts.  The new ones work ok but there seems
>> to be no sleep mode on my pc card modem when I place the 701C into suspend.
>>  The old 16 bit program called power.exe did.  The APM is installed and
>> says it's working.  Microsoft's Internet Support Wizard library says the
>> 701c supports APM 1.1 but I must be missing something.  FYI: by suspend I
>> mean Fn + F4.  Anybody have any ideas?
>> B/B
>> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
>>  Bill Bryan, Livonia, MI - billb@rust.net - N8QPI - www.rust.net/~billb
>>   "When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro" -- Hunter Thompson 
>> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
>GREGORY ALVANDIAN              :  Pooh looked at his two paws.  He knew that
>                               :  one of them was the right, and he knew
>SOCIETY OF AVIATION            :  that when you had decided which one of
>MAINTENANCE PROFESSIONALS      :  them was the right, then the other one was
>                               :  was the left, but he never could remember
>UTAH STATE UNIVERSITY          :  how to begin.
>slppj@cc.usu.edu               :  -The Tao of Pooh.
 Bill Bryan, Livonia, MI - billb@rust.net - N8QPI - www.rust.net/~billb
  "When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro" -- Hunter Thompson 