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RE: EasyServ repairs (plus a kudos)

They will actually advise you to remove anything that is not needed to 
work the problem.

My 760cd wouldn't boot last Friday. I think it was in some kind of 
funky suspend state. Wouldn't spin the drive, just had a blinking 
speaker symbol. IBM fedexed me a box which I received on Monday. I 
shipped it right out and got it back this morning (Wednesday). Now 
that is service! I cringe when I see what the 760cd now sells for, but 
I remind myself that more than just a piece of hardware, I bought into 
a support plan. Another brand and I would probably still be looking 
for the right phone number to call.


From:  Arthur D Woo [SMTP:adw11@columbia.edu]
Sent:  Wednesday, March 05, 1997 10:45 PM
To:  thinkpad@cs.utk.edu
Subject:  EasyServ repairs


I am about to return my ThinkPad for an EasyServ repair.  Should I 
my memory DIMMs and PC-Cards, etc first?  Any comments would be
