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Re: TP 560: two questions

Randy says:

> 	I look at it this way:  You can always upgrade your hard drive, but you'll
> never be able to upgrade your screen.  If the 810 MB will get you by for a
> while, go with that one--you can always get a bigger HD later.
> 	As for screens, I'm partial to the TFT's--especially now that the price
> difference between a DSTN model and a TFT model (all else equal) is about
> $500.`

I think it is more like $1500 nowadays - IBM recently slashed prices
on the DSTN models, with little drop on the TFT models.  However, I
agree on screens - I would much rather have the 10.5" TFT screen on my
701 (which disappears forever this week, alas) than the 11.3" DSTN on
my 560 (which I'm just getting acclimated to).  If someone offered me
an omnibus paribus swap of my 560 P133 2gig for a 560 P100 810mb
12.1"TFT, I'd take it.

During a conference last summer I shared a flat with a colleague with
a HP Omnibook 800.  I thought it was a *very* nice machine: 2nd best
form factor in the business (after the TP701), bright screen, good
keyboard.  I even liked the popout mouse, though in that I am
apparently in the minority.

- David