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Re: Laptops safety at the airports

I cn't remember what the exact details are, but I just went through
several international flights with my TP701. From what the operators
of the scanners told me, the X-rays do nothing to magnetic media. THey
are only a fator for high speed photographic film. On the other hand,
the metal detector is very bad for them, and you should not walk
through them at all with computers or floppies etc., as they ue EM
wave pulses to detect the presence of metallic materials. s I just got
back from these flight, my thinking isn't too clear on the Physics,
but I think in a couple of days it will come back to me...


: Hi,
: this is probably an old thread, but what is the consensus if such exists:
: is it really safe to expose laptops to x-rays scanners while taking them
: aboard of planes? What does this scanning affect in the first place? Is
: it a hard drive? Wouldn't it be then prudent to send a hard drive with
: the remaining package that, I guess (but correct me if I am wrong) is not
: exposed to scanners, provided the hard drive is removable. Of course, one
: could not use the laptop on the plane then, but that would be fine with 
: me anyway. 
: Your opinion on and your own experience in this matter would be
: highly appreciated. I am going for a longer trip to Europe and would
: like to have a clear idea of how to protect my TP in this situation.
: Thanks in advance,
: Waldemar 
: -----------------
: Waldemar Puszkarz
: Waldemar's List: www.netservers.com/~waldemar/list.shtml

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