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755 CDV problems with WIN95

    I'm having two problems with Win95 on my ThinkPad. The first is that no matter what I do, the
damn thing insists on recognising the floppy drive as being there, even though I almost never use
the floppy. I've looked through all my obvious .ini files to see if anything is referencing A:, but
have found nothing. If anyone has clues, I'd be glad for the help.

The second concerns the Xircom PCMCIA Ethernet card 10/100. When I boot with this card installed
I am unable to get Mwave support under DOS, even though there are no conflicts. Again, any ideas on
how to track down this problem would be appreciated.

Afzal Ballim                 | Internet: ballim@di.epfl.ch
Document Engineering (LITH)  | X400: S=ballim;OU=di;O=epfl;
EPFL, Lausanne               | PRMD=switch;ADMD=400net;C=ch
CH-1015  (Switzerland)       | http://lithwww.epfl.ch/~ballim
Phone: (+41 21) 693 52 34    | fax: (+41 21) 693 52 78