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Re: IBM Announces new chip!

On Tue, 23 Sep 1997 04:44:17 -0700 (PDT), Don Perley wrote:

>At 07:48 PM 9/22/97 -0500, Mik Tip wrote:
>>On CNN today IBM announced a technology that allows them to
>>make computer chips from copper, vise aluminum.
>>IBM further went on and stated this will dramatically increase the
>>chip speeds and lower prices.
>Remember that the CPU used in thinkpads (other than the 8xx series) is made
>by Intel, not IBM.  Look for the speed to show up in computers using powerpc
>(rs6000, as400, mac, ...).   (This from an IBM spokesman)
>WHEN one of IBM's customers in the x86 business does a redesign to take advantage
>of the new technology AND IBM decides to use one of these non-intel CPU's in
>a thinkpad, then you get the benefit.
>-Don Perley

IBM already uses non-Intel chips in some of their ThinkPad models.  The
800 series ThinkPads are all PowerPC based.

Dayle Riddoch		driddoch@direct.ca