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Re[2]: comment from someone who unsubscribed

     I have to disagree with the attached comment.
     All things considered, especially with the state of the Net these 
     days,  this list has a remarkably *low* quantity of chit-chat.  
     There are a lot of other newsgroups and liss where the noise and spam 
     make the list virtually useless.  Considering that this list
     isn't even moderated, it's even more surprising that the spammers
     haven't been shelling us with *cheap thinkpads here* ads or *free
     money* scams.
     Yeah, we all would like to see a newsgroup that would just give us 
     useful information about our machine only.  But, we also might gain 
     some other insights on our own Thinkpad's idiosyncrasies by hearing
     about someone lamenting about their machine.
     If I'm not interested in the subject, I just delete the message
     before reading it.

______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Subject: Re: comment from someone who unsubscribed
Author:  Bob Angell <aims@gte.net> at Internet
Date:    11/3/97 5:06 PM

RE: Letter WRT unsubscribing ...
AMEN!!  Way too much Noise to Information ratio.  I *do* not 
have a 701 but do have a 755 and 760.  I enjoy most of the 
information, but do not have the desire to wade through all of 
the chit/chat.  Please consider whether what you post will be 
relevant to the *whole* list.  If there are a handful of you 
interested in the specifics of a 701, please just send private 
email.  <ahhh, feel much better now!! g>
   Bob Angell, Principal - Sys. Engineer/Author/Consultant 
   Applied Info & Mgnt Sys, 1238 Fenway Ave., SLC, UT 84102 
   v: 801-583-8544 e: aimsllc@ibm.net / bangell@cs.utah.edu 
   "Had Mama Cass and Karen Carpenter shared that Ham sand- 
   wich, they would both be with us today!"
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Date: Mon, 03 Nov 1997 17:06:35 -0700
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Subject: Re: comment from someone who unsubscribed
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Comment: to {un}subscribe, send mail to thinkpad-REQUEST@cs.utk.edu