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On Mon, 11 May 1998 20:25:06 -0600 (MDT), Kolob Technologies wrote:

>> from the other end.  For what it's worth the MWave is much better
>> than many other modems with respect to this problem..
>I don't agree, as most other modem manufacturers came out with software
>upgrades to deal with it... only a few (MWave among them) have not yet done
>so...  The mwave difference is that they have a problem at 28.8 while most
>others are 56K with one 33.6 (Logicode) that I know of...
>I suspect that Mwave and lucent are waiting for the v.90 thing to settle in
>then they will send out one big upgrade... but only if they want to...
One question about modem upgrades, are these proprietary Windows programs that upgrade the modems,
or something more generic and simplier?

Paul Khoury | <pkhoury@loop.com> | Sent from my ThinkPad 701CS
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