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Re: [TP701c] New/Refurbished purchase, what should I be aware of?

>    I'm aware that the built in modem is rather slow, and
>sometimes unreliable (stops working).

This seemed to vary from unit to unit.  On the machines I had the modem was
always great, but others seemed to be pretty impossible.  One thing to note
is that the default configuration is wrong for virtually all service
providers.  I think you need to add F1 to your login string.

>rest of the unit?  Anyone ever have any problems w/ the
>Butterfly keyboard?  I assume it should move smoothly?  The

I loved mine; others hated theirs.  Don't expect a short, light throw, and
don't pick the thing up by its wings:-)


>    I plan to install Win95, possibly NT4 -- any

There are some documents online (at the IBM web site) about upgrading this
machine to W95.  The most important thing is, make sure you have the latest
version of the BIOS

>    I'm also in the market for an extremely small hardcover
>case, preferably the aluminum sided type.  Plastic would
>work fine too.  Any suggestions, I haven't seen any that are
>very slim/small.

Zero Halliburton makes a very small briefcase (*not* a computer case) that
would be perfect for this beast.  You'll need to get some high-density foam
from a good camera store.

David A. Ross