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Re: New Overnight Easyserv o

But it can be an issue of service. I paid for a three year on site
agreement when I got my thinkpad. I am glad I did as so far I have
had the following serviced since March this year. 

Two keyboards ( trackpoint failure) 
One screen. It died on a flight to Philadelphia. ( repaired in my
   hotel room
One Motherboard.

I must have got a Lemon but by now I have a completely new machine
;-) :-)

The point is I NEVER waited more than 24 hours for service. If you
have not done it already I would call and get the On-site warranty
( US al least ) It covers on-site service ANYWHERE in the US. cost
was $180 I think on my 750C. 

Martin P. Smith msmith@netcom.COM

On Tue, 22 Nov 1994, Robert Dewar wrote:

> one problem with this kind of internet interaction is that it can give
> a false impression of service in general. One "drunk pissed-off" 
> [his words! ???] annoyed customer can generate an impression of general
> bad service which may not be justified. Generally people who *have* had
> good service will not write to say so. Also, the issue of reliability
> is more *not* needing service (I have owned a 700C, 720C, 750C and
> 755C, shortly to be replaced by a 755CD), and none of my machines have
> ever needed servicing.
> So I would advise people not to rush to judgment on this issue, in the
> absence of some meaningful statistics or a reasonably comprehensive 
> survey.