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Re: a couple deals

On Fri, 29 Aug 1997 13:58:50 -0700 Randal Whittle <rwhittle@usa.net>
>At 10:57 AM 8/29/97 -0700, Doug Fairclough wrote:
>>> I get a email weekly special list from SurplusDirect,
>>> http://www.surplusdirect.com/email.sd
>>> and a couple items looked like they might interest list members.
>>> Here is a segment from the mailer, prices on the web page are 
>higher, so
>>> make sure you tell them it is from the email flyer (and better have 
>>> up for it too!). A few other items on the web page looked good too.
>>> New! Genoa Phantom 4mb 3D video card W/ - $30 rebate - $49.88*
>>> ****($79.88 Value Price - $30.00 Manufacturer's Rebate  = $49.88 
>>> Cost)****
>>can anyone speak for Genoa Phantom ??  havent heard of them but i 
>>sure use a 4MB card !
>	I can't say I would really "trust" a $50 video card that 
>purports to have
>4 MB on it.
>	I know it costs more, but I'd be much more favorable to 
>Matrox's latest Millenium II for about $200 (same 4 MB).
Not to mention that you can upgrade some models of the Matrox card
up to 16MB of RAM!  Now that's the card I'd like to have in my Linux or
Warp box.  (Too bad ThinkPad video RAM isn't upgradable; I don't think
it would be too hard to add that in).
