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Re: a couple deals

At 10:57 AM 8/29/97 -0700, Doug Fairclough wrote:
>> I get a email weekly special list from SurplusDirect,
>> http://www.surplusdirect.com/email.sd
>> and a couple items looked like they might interest list members.
>> Here is a segment from the mailer, prices on the web page are higher, so
>> make sure you tell them it is from the email flyer (and better have signed
>> up for it too!). A few other items on the web page looked good too.
>> New! Genoa Phantom 4mb 3D video card W/ - $30 rebate - $49.88*
>> ****($79.88 Value Price - $30.00 Manufacturer's Rebate  = $49.88 Final
>> Cost)****
>can anyone speak for Genoa Phantom ??  havent heard of them but i could
>sure use a 4MB card !

	I can't say I would really "trust" a $50 video card that purports to have
4 MB on it.

	I know it costs more, but I'd be much more favorable to recommending
Matrox's latest Millenium II for about $200 (same 4 MB).

Randal J. Whittle		whittle@usc.edu	(213) 740-7775
Director, Electronic Commerce Program
Marshall School of Business, University of Southern California