CineMaster DVD Player


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Updated 07/06/01

DVD Player version 1.5The Ravisent CineMaster DVD Player

DVD Player 2000 version 1.0Info
The Ravisent DVD Player for the CineMaster products uses a custom API to play DVD Movies. This player is not the same as the Microsoft DVD Player (a simple player included in the operating system).

The latest version of the player has been renamed to CinePlayer.

Since the CineMaster products are OEM products, every version of the DVD Player is custom made (skin and settings) for the product it is included with. The latest version for the Harware CineMaster products is available at Ravisent's web site (www.ravisent.com).

Ravisent has been using a very confusing version numbering on the DVD Player application. The version number of the DVD Player has gone up and down between releases. The version 1.9 found at Ravisent's web site is currently the latest version for Hardware CineMaster C. Version 1.6 was available before version 1.5... You can find an even older version 2.0 on the Internet. There is also a version 2.0 for Software CineMaster which is newer than version 1.5...
Hopefully the same thing will not happen with the new CinePlayer product. 

On older versions the region setting in Windows is ignored since a custom API is used. The Software CineMaster stores the region setting in the Windows registry and the Hardware CineMaster products store the setting in hardware. Some of the Hardware products can change the region setting 5 times and some of them cannot be changed at all.
It is however possible to use the Microsoft DVD Player with one region setting and the Ravisent DVD Player with another region setting.

There are utilities to change the region setting in Software CineMaster and to make the Hardware CineMaster C driver region free (RPC1 only).

The Software CineMaster 2000 has recently been renamed to CinePlayer 1.0. The decoding engine is still called Software CineMaster.

You can use Windows Media Player for Windows XP instead of the DVD Player but you can't set any properties on the card (image, SPDIF etc.)

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