Archive for February, 2010

Fortron/FSP Mini-ITX power supply repair

Sunday, February 28th, 2010

My little Mini-ITX system froze and would only sometimes power back on, only to freeze shortly thereafter. The problem was two 1000uF 10V capacitors in the PSU which had developed bulging tops and ESR greater than 1 ohm. Replacing these capacitors brought the system back to life. It would not be a surprise to see more capacitors fail in these power supplies due to the small space the Mini-ITX form factor requires several very hot power transistors to be crammed into.

Gateway 900G 19 inch LCD monitor flickering, power cycling

Monday, February 15th, 2010

Guess what? Yep, it’s more bad capacitors.

Antec SL350 power supply re-cap

Monday, February 15th, 2010

A fairly common problem with Antec power supplies from 2002-2005 is the “Bad Caps” issue. Very frequently, when an Antec power supply manufactured during that period begins to make strange noises or become unstable, the capacitors have gone bad.